Wednesday 20 November 2013

Sorry - Another Christmas Card

Just a quick post tonight dear friends.  It has been so cold today.  I think it is the wind chill factor. Brrr!!  We also had a very heavy sleet downpour around lunch time.. Warning of what is to come I guess.

Despite startin g my Christmas cards early I am now very much behind.  I think I slowed down thinking I had loads of time and then fell behind.  When I worked full time I was so totally organised!  Retirement has a lot to answer for. Lol! I'm going to have to get my skates on.

My Card

Click on image to enlarge picture

My usual 6 x 6 inch card.  I matted it with red card stock and then added some snippets of Papermania Home for Christmas. The image is one of the Christmas Elves by Mo Manning which I purchased  from the Hobby House.  The poinsettias are from my stash and I have had them a long time so don't know where I bought them.  I was going to remove the yellow centres but then decided they added another pop of colour. The red pearls are also from the Hobby House. The sentiment is Little Claire Designs die cut with SB Lacy Circles. And obviously I just had to had some glitter. Well, it's Christmas!

Well that's all from me today.  Hope everybody is feeling okay.


MRS DUCK said...

Hi Christine
Cute card and love the paper. Did think I was looking at it the wrong way up until I looked at the image properly lol!
Best wishes.
Ang x

Craftyhugs said...

Fabulous card honey!
Love that image. Beautifully coloured and love the details!

I'm so sorry for my lack of posting kn your posts. I've been in terrible pain and nothing is helping. Hope you are well?

Lorraine said...

A gorgeous Christmas card Christine. A fab image and colours.
Lorraine x

Karen P said...

That's gorgeous Christine. Love that image which you've coloured beautifully and what a fab way to use up those scraps of paper. I am loving this paper stack and hope I will find another one exactly the same. Keep warm and well xx

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Christine, I love the cute image and wonderful colour. No need to apologise for showing another Christmas card, I love them!
hugs Sue xx

Marie-Louise said...

Fantastic card Christine.

Unknown said...

Such a cute image I love this Christine....nobody could be further behind with Xmas cards than me! I cannot get motivated this year at all.

JJ said...

Morning Christine,

I love it, what a cheeky Elf lol! I really must look into getting some digi art/more stamps. This one is soooo cute! Such a fun card. Love what you have done with the pretty backing papers too. As for the Glitter! lets have lots of it after all it is nearly Christmas lol!

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Lia said...

What a great card! I love the cute image and you coloured it so well!!
I am also still going on with making christmascards, but I am not so far behind because I am entering the '52 Weeks of Christmas' by my daughter Yvonne nearly every week and that's great, because there is no stress now.
Over here it's cold too. Seems that winter is coming next week, so we will prepare!
Have a nice day,
Lia xx

lydia jordan said...

Hi Christine,
Love the cute elf, gret way to use scraps of paper. Really don't mind seeing Christmas cards, keep them coming.

cuilliesocks said...

Hello Christine, gorgeous card, such a sweet image, well it's Mo's after all.
Fab colouring and wonderful papers.
Our snow cleared up quickly, not the hills though. today it's very cold, but bright and crisp, just the way I like it, have a good day and keep cosy, hugs Kate x

Doreen said...

Beautiful Christine,love the image and fab papers. I agree with the retirement problem, when I worked I got so much more done,now there are not enough hours in the day. xxx

Brawny x said...

Great Christmas card Christine. Just fab. I know what you mean. I get less done now than when I was full time. Heyho never mind x

Oksana said...

Lovely card with a cute image!x

Sue said...

Fab image Christine and love the layout, Mo Manning has some really cute images. Its so cold here today I think I'll hibernate lol huggles Sue xx

Carole Z said...

Hi Christine, well I work but I'm still totally disorganised, lol! A very cute card, super colours and layout! Carole Z X

Hazel said...

Christine tell me about time disappearing, it's Friday again I haven't a clue were Monday to Thursday went.
Your card is lovely and that image is so cute. Keep warm hope the weather doesn't come in bad. Hazel

Peanut said...

The days seem to be moving quicker than I am...and still haven't made enough Christmas cards! Love the image on this one...that adorable, cheeky elf dangling on a bauble! What a fun card.
hugs, Asha - Sunny Summer Crafts
p.s. Am (temporarily) turning to CAS because I heard a rumour that it's easy to mass produce. I'm not so sure that's true for me! ;-)

Stamps and Paper said...

Absolutely adrorable card Christine...;just love your cute image


scrappymo! said...

This is so gorgeous. Beautiful Kimberly and coloured so nicely!
I love the design and those lovely poinsettias.