(I made the A4 poster using digi stamps Pallaria Fairy which I got from Stitchy Bear Digital Stamps, which is no longer in business.)

Every year Tysoe WI do something in the village to surprise and entertain the children and residents. The last two years we yarn bombed but this year we "fairy bombed!" Our Craft and Laugh group have been very industrious as you will see from the following pictures - and I forewarn you that this post is picture heavy. Under cover of darkness last night we were out with our ladders and head torches transforming the area opposite the Post Office.
I could bore you with more but I think you have probably got the idea. The photos don't really do it justice, but isn't that always the case? There are lots of little (and some not so little) fairies "flying " from the branches of the tree in which we put fairy lights. In the dark last night it really did look magical and the lights are on a timer so it will look great over the next couple of weeks. We usually leave it up until after Easter.
I only wish I could have been one of those fairies to see the kids as they pass on the way to school.
Hope you have enjoyed our wee fairy folk. Who said the WI were staid and boring? They obviously don't belong to the Tysoe group!!!
Take care.
OOoo, how nice is this?! And what a lovely tradition to surprise people of your hometown in some way. By seeing that house in the background in lovely Cotswold stone I am longing for another visit to the area. One of our most favorite holiday destinations and I think it will happen again this summer!
Lia xx
Lia, you ought to try something like this is Holland and see what reaction you get?
Hi Christine this is just brilliant it is so creative and community minded. It is must be a very impressive sight. Take care. Hugs Jackie
How fabulous, love the little ladders to get home so cute
Just fab. Love it! X
BRILLIANT. lOVE THIS.XX💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]
Morning Christine,
Wow! the children must love this. Wonderful.
Hi Nursey
I don't do fairies, as you know, but this must be such fun for the ankle biters.
Can just imagine you in your combat gear and camouflage face paint lol!!!
Ang x
What an inspiring thing to do. Lovely photos and you have all worked so hard on this Love and hugs Carole x
Oh this is my idea of heaven Christine. I just love anything with fairies and fantasy. Your poster is gorgeous and I just adore what you did decorating with those mushrooms/toadstools. Oh I would be in my element there lol
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