Sunday 19 April 2020

Thanks Postie

Just a quick post to show you a card I made for our postman. Tony is so helpful in all sorts of ways. If I have letters to post he will always take them for me to save me a five mile round trip just to post a letter.   He always keep an eye on our property when we are away. Whenever his van pulls up one of us will go out and collect the mail from him to save him getting out of the van. However, since lock down we still go out but wait under the carport until he deposits the mail in the box on the wall and when he moves back onto the drive we then go out and have a chat, obviously keeping the two metre distance.  If there is anything to go I put it on the patio table and when I go back inside he then picks it up and is on his way.  It's actually nice to have somebody to talk to since we are very isolated so don't actually see anybody. Having said that it does mean we are n a very safe environment. I just made this to show him he is appreciated.

My Card

6" square kraft card base
houndstooth embossing folder
red and kraft card from stash
striped paper from stash
image found on internet
sentiment die - Sue Wilson

I typed an appropriate insert thanking him and his colleagues for continuing to work and "keeping us posted".  Yet another key worker who is at risk.  I am so glad I am able to stay at home.

I decided to have a go at my craft room yesterday.  My goodness, I had no idea how much card stock I have!!!!!!! At least now it is all tidily in one place and I can now see what I have.  I just need to label the shelves now.  I don't think I will. need to buy card for years - but I'm sure I will. I think it will take me right through lock down and beyond to get into some form of decent order.  There will be lots to be disposed of too.  Amazing how much junk you keep .... just in case! HA!

Anyway, I do hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.


Wendy L said...

Lovely card and very thoughtfully of you, so many are moaning about the length of time it is taking the post to get through, not a thought for the post office workers, xx

dutchess said...

Lovely thought Christine...and a great postie image....we are all doing the thumbs up through the window with postie we never get the same one two days running....but they are all doing a sterling job in this crisis...
Stay safe and take care xxxx

Stamps and Paper said...

What a lovely idea making a card for your postman Christine he sounds like a real treasure...I think they do an amazing job...well done for tidying up your craft room it amazing what 'stash' we keep 'just in case' and I expect it will still be there in a couple of years1


Lia said...

How nice is this!! Your postman is the best ever and really deserves this card.
We are living at the edge of our village and can take a walk into the countryside or woods in a short distance without meeting people. We also go biking because there are also very quiet biketrails in the woods. We are lucky that the weather is fine for weeks now.
I am also crafting a lot now, and just as you: I have such a lot of DP, stamps, images and card, I could be busy for a long time!
Saty safe and I wish you all the best,
Lia xx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Christine,
What a lovely idea, the workers need all the support we can give them. Love the card.

Poppyfield Card Crafts said...

So thoughtful Christine of you to make this for your postie

We will all have super duper tidy craft rooms when this nightmare ends for sure!

Stay safe

June x

Jackie T said...

Hi Christine this is a stunning card you have made for your Postman. There are so many people who are keeping our country going. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Gibmiss said...

Fabulous card Christine.... lovely idea for your postie xxx
Hugs Sylvie xx

Rita said...

Awww Love your card Christine. We do sometimes forget our dear posties. Love It. Hugs Rita xx

Linda Simpson said...

A beautiful card and I am sure your Postie really appreciates the thought. I tidied my MDF and didn't realise how much I had, nearly everything is labelled now in the craft room. Stay safe.
Linda xxx

Furrbster said...

What a thoughtful card - I am sure he appreciated this!

Hugz Tinz

cuilliesocks said...

Hello Christine, what a fabulous card for your Postie, I'm sure he appreciated it. They are doing an amazing job as are so many people keeping our country ticking over. Although one thing makes me angry... is that the postie has to deliver all that rubbish along with the proper post, just not necessary, but it's a private company now, a business and not really Royal Mail, makes me mad that this was privatised. Take care, Kate x

Kuskus Pintar said...
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