Thursday 5 December 2013

On The Fourth Day of Christmas ....

Good morning dear friends.  Another quick post and I am scheduling it because I am going out tomorrow.  My friend lost her mum last month and is feeling rather low. It would have been her birthday on Tuesday and there is Christmas coming up which are all sad occasions, especially  the first ones.  I guess the only good thing is that all three "anniversaries" are close together and the first ones are always the worst I found.  Anyway, I am picking her up quite early and we off to Cheltenham for a girl's day out and we will find somewhere lovely to have lunch no doubt.  Cheltenham also has a little Christmas market so I think we will have a good day. When I worked in Cheltenham I used to love to walk around town at lunchtime but I don't go too often these days.  It's about 90 mile round trip so I usually make a special trip.  Mind you from where I live everywhere decent is a long way away. Lol!

My Card

Click on image to enlarge picture

Another 6 x 6 inch card . The deep pink and navy papers were bits from my box.  The sentiment was computer generated and matted onto another scrap of blue die cut with SB Lacy Circles. The large pink pearls are from my stash as is the glittery white yarn. The yarn is very pretty but I have had it so long I don't know where it is from.  

Well that's it from me. Hope you are well and have a good day.


Sue said...

This is gorgeous Christine. I love the birds and fabulous layout.
I am sorry to hear about your friend losing her mum recently. I hope you have a good day together.
hugs Sue xx

Oksana said...

Beautiful Christine, love the birds! Enjoy your day!x

cuilliesocks said...

Lovely card Christine, love the colours and those little birds.
have a lovely day with your friend, so sad for her, my mum's anniversary is in a couple of weeks and although it will now be 10 years I stil fid this time of the year difficult. Im sure your support will help her get through it hugs Kate X

Doreen said...

This is beautiful...gorgeous birds and

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Christine
More birdies but still no ducks hahaha! Great card.
Hope you have a lovely day with your friend. I still find anniversaries hard after several years.
Best wishes.
Ang x

Patricia said...

Another smashing card Christine, I love the birds and the great design.
Hope you had a great day with your friend I am sure she really appreciates you doing this for her.
Snap!! like you anything worth doing takes a fair journey round these parts as well.
The joys of country living!!!

Patricia xxx

Karen P said...

Another gorgeous creation, hope you have a fun day xx

Lorraine said...

This is gorgeous Christine. The birds look great and I love the colours.
Lorraine x

JJ said...

Hi Christine,

Another beautiful card. Have a fun day out.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Brawny x said...

Hi Christine I hope you had a good day out. Cheltenham is only up the road from me in gloucester! Sorry I haven't been around. My hubby drove me to my mums for a change of scenery so no crafting or blogging done. I'm catching up now. A fab card. I love that it's a bit different. The colours are fab.
Catch you again soon.
Love Lea x

Hazel said...

Gorgeous card Christine, hope you had a lovely day with your friend, as you say it's not a good time of the year for her. With friends like yourself she will get through it a lot easier. Hazel x

Carole Z said...

Hi Christine, this is gorgeous, love the little birds! Hope you had a good day in Cheltenham, we haven't been there for ages even though it's not too far from us; the last few times have just been for events at the literary festival and then back home, Carole Z X

lydia jordan said...

Morning Christine,
Lovely card, cute little birds. Hope you have a great day out with your friend.

Peanut said...

I'm singing along!!! Oh what a fun idea, Christine.
hugs, Asha - Sunny Summer Crafts

scrappymo! said...

Beautiful! Hope you had a wonderful day out with your girlfriend.