Friday 6 December 2013

On The Fifth Day Of Christmas ...

"Good evening, and this is Christine reporting live from her own desktop computer!"  Yes, I'm back in business, hooray!!  A big thank you to John who has worked so hard to sort it - and lived through my moaning, groaning, wailing and gnashing of teeth!!  You never know what Santa might bring as a thank you!  It really is so good to be back at my own machine. I hated the keyboard on the laptop because the keys were in different places and I was continually making mistakes.  Anyway, no more moaning.

My Card

Click on image to enlarge picture

This is the last of my Twelve Days cards. I have only done six of them but I don't think I will have time for the other six.  I think they will probably have to wait until next year now unless I can wave my magic wand and find some extra hours / days!.  

6 x 6 card again.  The green card was from my snippets box  and the gold card has been in my drawer for ages.  I think I got it at the NEC a few years ago.  Computer generated sentiment matted onto the green and gold card. The holly borders are Memory Box Holly Vine and the gold ribbon and red pearls are from my stash.  The rings were actually spread all over the the topper but it looked too busy so I removed them and glued them in a row which I much prefer. It seems more balanced this way.  I am not one very busy busy cards.

Hope this finds you all well after the terrible weather yesterday.  Sue and I had a great day in Cheltenham, but we were both shattered when we got home. 

Well tomorrow I am off to the Motor Cycle Museum in Birmingham to a paper craft fair.  I hadn't planned to go having spent so much at the NEC last month  but Sue's sister in law asked if I would take her and I didn't like to say no.  I'm a sucker I know, but I find the word NO extremely hard to say!! I'm sure I will find something to spend more money on. Lol!!

Had a visit from one of next door's cows again this morning - accompanied by her daughter this time!  I wish our neighbour would actually spend some money and fence his land properly!!  They both had a good feast on the rest of the apples that had come down in yesterday's high winds.  Saved me having to go and gather them up.


cuilliesocks said...

Hello Christine, love your card, fabulous design and gorgeous embellishments.
Pleased to hear you and your friend had a lovely time, and Im smiling about the cows muching the apples, but really I hope your neighbour fixes his fence, because I'm sure they could do some real damage, take care, hugs Kate x

Patricia said...

Brilliant card Christine, I love what you have done with the rings. Wonderful layout I really like it.
I am still looking for days with extra hours in them. If I come across them I will give you the info as how to get some!!!!!
Enjoy your day, I am sure you will find something you "really need" ........ lol
Have a wonderful weekend, hope you do not get any more visitors!!!!!!

Patricia xxx

Karla said...

Prachtige kerstkaart Christine, heel leuk idee met de ringen.
Fijn weekend.

Groetjes Karla

Carol said...

Another lovely Christmas card Christine, great design. Enjoy your day out tomorrow. Carol x

Lorraine said...

A gorgeous Christmas card Christine. The design and colours look fabulous.
Have a lovely day out tomorrow
Lorraine x

Sue said...

Your card is gorgeous Christine, a fabulous design and I love the colours.
So pleased you have your computer back. I use my desktop PC all the time, I just do not get on with laptops!
I hope you have a good time tomorrow.
hugs Sue xx

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Christine I'm slowly getting back to it LOL have a great time and glad your back with us! Weather was terrible here yesterday so much damaged along the coast:( Have a great weekend lots of huggles Sue xx

JJ said...

Hi Christine,

Fantastic card and good use of 5 gold rings lol! Would have loved to have seen the other six but never mind, I know how time flies and how busy you are.
Enjoy your day at craft fair.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Hazel said...

So glad you have you computer back in action, especially with you not maybe getting far with the weather, at least you can stay in and play! Love what you had done with this card, I am hoping to try and make some cards this week but still have a few orders for gifts to do. Enjoy your paper craft fair, Hazel xx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Christine,
Another great card, love the way you have placed the rings. Enjoy your day out.

Marie-Louise said...

Great card Christine. Glad to see that you are "back on the air".

Doreen said...

This is gorgeous,love the fab

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Christine
Glad you're wired for craft again.
Love the card and how you have laid out the rings.
Could have popped by the Museum and said hello as I was at the NEC this morning. Hoping to get to the February/March show so will have to get together for a coffee again if you go.
Hope it didn't take much to mooove the cows. . . . .sorry, couldn't resist that lol !
Best wishes.
Ang x

Carole Z said...

Love your card ! Glad you had a good time in Cheltenham & hope thar was repeated today! Carole Z x

Karen P said...

Another stunner Christine and I love the holly die cuts - so stunning!

scrappymo! said...

Great card...these holly cut leaves and wonderful! Love the rings all in a row like they would be if you were wearing them! The glittery holly repeated in the corners looks fab too!